Awareness raising

Crimestoppers campaign 2014
Crimestoppers and Northern Powergrid are offering rewards of up to £1,000 for information on metal thieves in an attempt to help keep communities safe in the North East/Yorkshire & Humberside/north Lincolnshire.
Please click here for more details.
Be Aware campaign
The Metal Theft Reduction Centre has launched the Be Aware campaign to provide advice and guidance to the faith and heritage sector regarding metal theft.
Please click here to view the Be Aware flyer.
Cut It Out campaign
Police in Scotland launched a metal theft campaign to coincide with a national day of action on metal theft.
The campaign asked the public to help ‘Cut Out Metal Theft.’ Radio adverts, posters, leaflets and postcards were created to raise public awareness, and urge people to report anything suspicious.
The public were also directed to a web page detailing measures they can take to help prevent their homes and businesses from becoming targets.
More than 500 vehicles were searched and 24 scrap metal dealers across the force area were inspected as a result of ACPOS (Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland) national day of action.
Working in partnership with BTP (British Transport Police), SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency), and VOSA (Vehicle and Operator Services Agency), the operation was to target carriers and dealers of stolen scrap metal, and to detect, investigate and deter metal theft. Similar operations took place across the country.
In 2012 Humberside Crimestoppers launched the ‘Scrap the metal thieves’ campaign in Hessle to over 80 individuals from local authorities, Environment Agency, churches, community groups and scrap dealers. The campaign has been supported by advertising on KCFM radio, in bus interiors, and with flyers and posters which can be downloaded below:
Catalytic converter thefts
Following the spate of catalytic converter thefts, Nottinghamshire Police is working with Crimestoppers to protect vehicles and warn businesses. Nottinghamshire Police has produced an information leaflet to raise awareness of this type of theft and to provide crime prevention advice.
To download the information leaflet please click here.