Crimestoppers and Northern Powergrid offer rewards of up to £1,000 for information on metal thieves to keep communities safe

Independent crime-fighting charity Crimestoppers and electricity distributor Northern Powergrid are to offer rewards of up to £1,000 for information on metal thieves in an attempt to help keep communities safe in the North East/Yorkshire & Humberside/north Lincolnshire.
The two organisations are targeting theft hotspot areas with a digital (facebook and twitter) campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of incidents, whilst making people aware of the dangers and disruption that can occur within communities when people attempt to steal items such as high voltage cables, earthing and other electrical equipment. So far in 2014 there have been 354 incidents of Metal Theft or Vandalism across Northern Powergrid’s power network. The following are some examples of the impact that metal theft can have on the community.
Back in April thieves put lives in danger after stealing more than 1,000 metres of live power cables near Knottingley.
In another incident, homes around the town were left without power for 12 hours after cables carrying 11,000 volts of electricity were stolen. In this instance the thieves left the cables hanging down just above a footpath used by dog walkers near Cridling Stubbs.
Live cables were also left hanging just above a road used by lorries in a separate incident near Goole last month.
Northern Powergrid and Crimestoppers, who have been working together since 2011, are committed to raising awareness of metal and cable theft as a serious and dangerous crime and bring down the number of offences. The two organisations are offering rewards of up to £1,000 for information passed to the charity’s 0800 555 111 number that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for this crime.
Gemma Wilson, North East Regional Manager for Crimestoppers, said: “What people don’t realise is metal and cable theft is incredibly dangerous and is a real threat to life – we don’t want to pick up the paper and hear of somebody dying as a result of a metal theft.
“The impact these incidents have on a community is huge, and this is why Crimestoppers and Northern Powergrid are determined to eradicate this crime and keep our communities safe, as well as ensure they are receiving the services they should be.
“If you have any information on these incidents please contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or through our anonymous online form at – I promise nobody will ever know you contacted us.”
Mick Hickling Head of Northern Powergrid’s West Yorkshire Zone said: “Thieves are targeting our network with little concern for their own safety, not only causing power cuts, but also putting the public in danger. Thieves leave our network in a dangerous condition with cables often left within easy reach of people passing by. The worry is that an innocent bystander could be seriously injured as a result of the thieves’ actions.”
*Note: Rewards will only be payable for information passed to Crimestoppers’ 0800 555 111 number. Information passed to police will not qualify.