The sixth Pol-PRIMETT EUG meeting was held on Thursday 19th July 2012, in Athens, Greece.
The meeting was attended by 78 delegates from nine EU Member States.
The EUG meeting included four action based workshops which focused on:
- Preventing and deterring metal theft
- Influencing the judicial system and sentencing metal thieves
- Law enforcement utilising existing legislation
- Media training
Please click the workshop heading to see an overview which has been provided by the workshop leader.
Please click here to view the EUG meeting programme.
Please click here to download the full report from the meeting.
Presentations were also made by OSE and OTE.
Related Documents
- Pol-PRIMETT EUG6 Programme.pdf
- Pol-PRIMETT EUG6 meeting report.pdf
- EUG 6 meeting - Pol-PRIMETT overview and the state of metal theft in the EU.pdf
- EUG6 meeting OSE - metal theft in Greece.pdf
- EUG6 meeting OTE - metal theft in Greece.pdf
- Workshop 1 - Preventing and deterrence.pdf
- Workshop 2 - Judiciary.pdf
- Workshop 3 - Law enforcement.pdf
- Workshop 4 - Media training.pdf